by mfisch | Nov 9, 2012 | Uncategorized
This may be more huff and puff than real news, at least to anyone in the security industry — it’s just all too common. These sorts of things happen at any and all organizations (though few are likely to admit it). SEC staffers slammed for serious...
by mfisch | Sep 20, 2012 | Information Security
Okay, so this shouldn’t be news to anyone moderately concerned with the safety of their personal information or corporate resources, but this week reinforced a growing trend in information systems: The web-browser is the largest attack vector on any platform.... by mfisch | Sep 8, 2012 | Consumerization of IT
It struck me yesterday as I looked at the reviews of the new Amazon Kindle e-Reader I preordered on launch day (the Kindle Paperwhite 3G). The walled garden is indeed doomed to fail despite excellent user interfaces. I know someone writes an op-ed piece about this...